Before you followDNI
Please know that I am a fictosexual/soulbonder with (as you can guess) Karl Heisenberg! I ask for those who wish to follow be advised about my relationship, and please respect it! I am also an adult and my relationship can contain 18+ themes!Typical negative behaviour! If you are a MAP, a zoo, a double (nothing personal we just all love our space!), a drama bringer, or just someone who wishes to bash.

Welcome to my corner of paradise !

Soulbonded sine May of 2021/married since January 5,2024

About me!

Hi there! Please call me Silvi! Im a 27 year old female college student who gushes too much about Karl Heisenberg! Im always sleepy and tend to enjoy reading, drawing, going to metal concerts, and chatting with peeps on discord or on twitter/X.

What will I acceptWhat I will not accept
Fanart! Stories! Headcannons! Art trades (when im actually good at art so please be paitent!) Interactions with my ship!Shipping me or Karl with anyone else! Mean comments about my art, yes i know im new im still learning! Drama bringing!